As we approach the end of the year, many of us take time to reflect on New Year’s plans. Subscriptions come up for renewal, etc.

About three years ago, I researched “cloud backup” solutions for personal use and choose Carbonite after much research. I try to stay up with current solutions and checked to see if there were any new solutions out there that may handle the one problem I had with Carbonite. If you want to backup an external “network” drive, you need the Carbonite business solution, which is considerably more expensive.

I have made the switch to iDrive! It handles all of my computers, devices and external drives. The app is very user friendly and easy to use and the price was right. Right now, they are running a special that gives you 50% off the normal yearly price.

IDrive Remote Backup

Please use Jean Hoover as your promo code or CLICK HERE

I choose the 1000 GB plan personally because it could handle the data I currently have in play with a little wiggle room for growth. My new years resolution is to clean up old files that I no longer use and to get rid of duplicate information across my network.

I have included some screen shots so you can get an idea of what it looks like:

Main Panel

Restore Panel

Scheduler Panel

Activity Log Screen

Search Panel

I look forward to your comments regarding iDrive.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!